This fresh novel "The Cat King of Havana" is aimed at young adults, and tells a story about a young American teenager's journey to his motherland – Cuba. Romance, dance, and the crude reality of Tropical Communism intertwines with spy mysteries. The author draws on his own experience having lived in Cuba for over a year. Shortly after being published, the novel was recognized by the prestigious "Junior Library Guild". Spanish, Russian and Latvian publishing houses have shown their interest about the book. Its author currently resides in the USA and writes in English.
"I am happy that the novel has been well-received, but I have to say, to break into the saturated American market is rather difficult for an unknown Latvian author. I therefore value greatly the support I received from Latvia in this battle. It boosted the sales significantly during the first weeks. So a big thank-you to my Latvian readers!” said Crosshill.
This year saw the publishing of his Wall Street-and-Siberia novel "Lopu ekspresis" (“The Cattle Express”). The novel has been on top of several book store best-seller lists, won the Autumn voting for the Kilogram of Culture Award, and is into its second print run. He recently received the European Science Fiction Society award as Best Author. He has been nominated three times for the Nebula Award, and once – for the Annual Latvian Literary Award. He has won the Writers of the Future Award.
"Crosshill’s big-hearted novel shines."
Publishers Weekly
"Crosshill shares the best of Cuba, bringing it alive for readers with beautiful and vibrant descriptions of salsa and honest, often funny commentary. Cat King also offers a fresh portrayal of young romance, a welcome dose of reality for geeks hoping to get the girl."
E. C. MyersAndre Norton Award-winning YA author
"The Cat King of Havana navigates through complex layers of belonging with glorious goofiness."
William AlexanderNational Book Award-winning author of Goblin Secrets
"Salsa! LOLcats! Political prisoners! It’s impossible not to get swept up in the dizzying rush of this book. Rick Gutiérrez is the kind of narrator you can’t help but like (even when he’s being a douche), and The Cat King of Havana balances the sharply funny with the beautifully bittersweet in its explorations of identity, family, love, and the complexities of Cuba."
Julia RiosAward-winning editor of Kaleidoscope: Diverse YA Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories
Read more about the book here.
Read more about the author here.
Cover photo: Ģirts Raģelis