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Most read books this year in Latvian libraries

2016, November 23

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Nora Ikstena's novel “Mātes piens” [Mother's Milk], Māris Berziņš's “Svina garša” [The Taste of Lead], both published by “Dienas grāmata”, as well as Māra Zālīte's “Pieci pirksti” [Five Fingers], published by “Mansards” were recognized in the original prose category by the National Library of Latvia as the most loaned books. Data gathered by the Latvian country libraries foundation (Lauku bibliotēku atbalsta biedrība, LBAB) affirms these to be the most widely read books in libraries accross the country.

LBAB chairwoman of the board, Biruta Eglīte, informed that the most demanded collections in the original poetry category were Kārlis Vērdiņš “Pieaugušie” [Adults, published by Neputns], Kornēlija Apšukrūma's "Dzirdēt ar sirdi" [To Hear with you Heart], published by "Zvaigzne ABC",  and Guntars Račs' "Laikam laika nav" [Maybe there's no Time], published by ''MicRec Publishing".

The most popular books within the original documentary genre were the former president Valdis Zatlers's book "Kas es esmu" [Who am I], published by "Jumava", and two books by Līga Blaus - "Harijs Spanovskis. Nekas jau nebeidzas" [Harijs Spanovskis. Nothing Ever Ends.] and "Zemgalietis. Uldis Dumpis" [Man from Zemgale. Uldis Dumpis], both published by "Žurnāls Santa".

The most read translated work of documentary literature was Juka Rislakki's research on Vorkuta prison camp uprising, translated by Gunta Pāvola and published by "Lauku Avīze", as well as two books written by the publicist Viktor Suvorov "Kuzjas māte. Dižās desmitgades hronika" [Kuz'kina Mat'. A Chronicle of the Great Decade] and ''Ledlauzis. Kurš sāka Otro pasaules karu?'' [Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War?], translated into Latvian by Jānis Kalve, published by "Dienas grāmata".

The most popular among the original children's books were two works put out by "Zvaigzne ABC" publishing house - Juris Zvirgzdiņš's "Miega pasaka" [Sleep Fairytale] and Arno Jundze's "Kristofs un ēnu ordenis" [Christopher and the Order of the Shadows], as well as Inese Zandere's "Lupatiņu rīts" [Shammies' Morning], published by "Liels un mazs".

LBAB competition for the most read books is open only for works published within the last three years. The reader's votes and opinions were gathered from 613 public city and rural district libraries, a number slightly larger than previous years.

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