Dagnija Dreika, also known as Dagnija Dreika-Matule, born in 1951, is a Latvian writer, poet and translator. She studied at Riga Secondary School No. 50, the Liepāja Art School, later graduated from the University of Latvia, Department of French Language and Literature in 1980, and also studied English. In 1989, she went to study Croatian in Zagreb. She writes prose and poetry, her first publication was a poem titled Neona gaisma/Neon Light, published in 1969. In the 1970's Dagnija Dreika started writing full-time, and her first collection of poems was published in 1971. She is the author of several books of poetry, books for children, and a book of stories and portrayals Burvi, mans Burvi/Magician, My Magician (1998). Dreika has translated from Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Croatian, English and French, etc., including authors like Hemingway, Balzac and Paul Verlaine. Likewise, her poems have been translated in more than a dozen languages. In 2004, Dreika received the Annual Latvian Literature Award for her translation of Melville's Moby Dick, and has been presented other international and local literary awards. Dreika is a member of the Latvian Writers' Union since 1982, and member of the Latvian Authors' Society since 2000.
Izklaides ar laiku [Entertainment with Time]. Jurmala: Daugava, 2020.
Taureņu lietus [Rain of Butterflies]. Jurmala: Daugava, 2020.
Villa Majorenhofa [Villa Majorenhoff]. Riga: Apgāds Daugava, 2019.
Rīgas mozaīkas [Mosaic of Riga]. Riga: Daugava, 2019.
Kaimiņu būšana [Neighbours]. Riga: Daugava, 2015.
Nenoģistā roze [The Rose Unthought]. With Uldis Bērziņš, Riga: Daugava, 2011.
Udensvējš [Waterwind]. Riga: Sol Vita, 1999.
Rakargrāmata [The Book of Rascals]. Riga: Daugava, 2006.
Vēja smiekli [The Laugh of the Wind]. Riga: Asja, 2001.
Dievpalīgs [Godspeed]. Riga: Artava, 2000.
Stāsti un sāgas [Tales and Sagas]. Vol. 2. Riga: Liesma, 1981.
Dvēseles zeme [The Land of Soul]. Riga: Avots, 1988.
Šaipus vējiem, taipus lietiem [This Side of Wind, That Side of Rain]. Riga: Liesma, 1989.
Mošķustāsti [Monsterstories]. Tukums: Atauga, 1992.
Burvi, mans burvi... [Magician, My Magician]. Riga: Daugava, 1998.
Krimināletīdes [Criminal études]. Riga: Tūja L, 1998.
Brūnās zvaigznes [The Brown Stars]. Riga: Liesma, 1971.
Baložlaika bē,r)niņstās-ti [Pidgeon-time Chil(l)drentales]. Riga: Sprīdītis, 1993.
Kurmulmurmulis un Kārkauļa ola [Kurmulmurmul and the Karkaul's Egg], Riga: Enigma, 1998.
Mēnessērdzība [Sleep-walking]. Riga: Liesma, 1975.
Ziedos ieleja [The Blooming Valley]. Riga: Liesma, 1986.
Sniegs un pilnmēness [Snow and Full Moon]. Riga: Liesma, 1990.
Priekšsvētvakars [Before the Holy Night]. Riga: Artava, 1994.
Delta. Riga: Liesma, 1982.
Books to fall for
Dagnija Dreika, artist's profile // The Council of the Creative Unions of Latvia [LV; EN]
Dagnija Dreika, Kur Nesasaukt, poetry, audio // Latvian Radio, 2015 [LV]
Dagnija Dreika receives the Dell’Agata Award in poetry // Diena.lv, 2008 [LV]
Selected poems // Jaunā Gaita Nr. 89, 1972 [LV]
Atmiņa un identitāte/Memory and Identity, review of Dagnija Dreika's Translation of the Pope Saint John Paul II book // Online magazine Satori, 2014 [LV]
2009, the Maurice Carême Prize for essay Maurice Carême et le diable
2008, the Dell’Agata Award in poetry
2003, the Annual Latvian Literature Award for the translation of Melville's Moby Dick