Rūta Mežavilka, born in 1971, is a Latvian artist, writer, playwright and poet. She studied at the Jānis Rozentāls Art School (1982-89), and graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia, Graphics Department in 1995. She has worked as an art teacher, animator in the Dauka and Rija film studios, artist for the Literatūras Avīze literary magazine, layout designer for Dienas Žurnāli Publishing. She has participated in group exhibitions, and organized solo exhibitions since 1992. Mežavilka worked also as an editor for Luna magazine. She is a member of the Latvian Playwrights' Guild since 1999, and the Latvian Writers' Union since 2003. Mežavilka has worked in various creative fields, including animation, painting, writing and editing, has published stories and poetry in various outlets, illustrated her own books and published three collections of poems. She has worked in journalism and written articles about literature and art. Mežavilka is also the author of several plays, and a novel Dzimuši Latvijai/ Born for Latvia (2011).
Dzimuši Latvijai [Born for Latvia]. Rīga: Dienas Grāmata, 2012.
Dzeja. 2007-2010 [Poetry. 2007-2010]. Riga: Neputns, 2010.
Ikienas dzīves [Everyday Lives]. Riga: Neputns, 2005.
Dusmu diena jeb Kā novākt veci [The Anger Day, or How to Kill a Man], Riga: Luna, 2003.
Fragmentāriji [Fragmentaries]. Riga: Forums magazine, 2003.
Stiprs ziemeļrietumu vējš [Strong North-Western Breeze]. Valmiera theatre, 2002./2003, published in Teātra Vēstnesis, 2002.
Epizodes & memuāri [Episodes & Memoirs]. Poems, Riga: Luna 2001.
Robinsons [Robinson]. Play, 1995, first staged in 2000 as Dzeltenais eņģelis sakļautiem spārniem [The Yellow Angel with Folded Wings].
Vēstules no sālszemes [Letters from the Saltland] Riga: NIMS,1999.
Tāds rudens [Autumn like This]. Story, 1999.
Terēzes gājiens [Therese's Journey]. 1999.
Books to fall for
In Estonian and Latvian poems, jokes are made about the neighbors // Viro-instituutti.fi, March 2023 [FI]
Rūta Mežavilka, artist's profile // The Council of the Creative Unions of Latvia [LV]
Dace Sparāne, Rūta Mežavilka. Dzimuši Latvijai, interview with Rūta Mežavilka // Dienas Grāmata publishing [LV]
Poetry. Rūta Mežavilka // Diena News [LV]
Poems. Rūta Mežavilka // Satori.lv [LV]
Rūta Mežavilka, author's profile, articles for Satori // Satori.lv [LV]
Rūta Mežavilka, artist's profile // Latvijas Filmas [LV]
Ligita Levinska, Laika mašīnā /In a Time Machine, review of Dzimuši Latvijai/ Born for Latvia // UbiSunt, the University of Latvia, 2013 [LV]
Katrīna Rudzīte, Varonis laika bedrē/Hero in a Pit of Time, review of Born for Latvia // Internet magazine Satori.lv, 2012 [LV]
2002, the Latvian Playwrights' Guild Award
1995, winner of the Daile Theatre Original Play Competition with Robinsons/Robinson

Neljä naista nuoralla
Neljä naista nuoralla (Dzejas antoloģija)

: Neljä naista nuorallaTitle*
: Dzejas antoloģijaAuthors
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