Gunta Šnipke, born in 1955, is a Latvian architect and poet. Šnipke started writing poems already in school, she went on to study architecture at the Riga Technical University and has worked in the profession since. Gunta Šnipke has greatly influenced architecture and culture in Liepāja, both by working on developing the cityscape and working as an architect for Liepaja City Building board. She is known best for her articles and opinion pieces on architecture, but lately has been actively involved in literary scene. Šnipke is one of the creators of the travelling exhibition Jūgendstils Liepājā/Art Nouveau in Liepāja. With sometimes long intervals, her poetry has been published in various outlets, including two books of poetry: ... bērns ienāca.../...a child came... (1995), …un jūra/...and the sea (2008). Most recently she has been also writing plays, and publishing poems in various literary online forums. She is a member of the Latvian Writers' Union.
KĀ [As]. Riga: Latvijas mediji, 2024.
Ineses māja [Inese's house]. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2022.
Desmit desas debesīs [Ten Sausages in the Sky]. Riga: Mansards, 2021.
Ceļi [Roads]. Riga: Mansards, 2018.
…un jūra [...and the sea]. Liepaja: Sabiedrības attīstības centrs, 2008.
... bērns ienāca...[...a child came...]. Liepaja: Pūcastis, 1995.
Books to fall for
About Ten Sausages in the Sky //, 2021 [LV]
Conversation with Gunta Šnipke // Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji, 2018 [LV]
Poems // Online magazine Punctum, 2017 [LV]
Poems // Online magazine Satori, 2017 [LV]
Conversation with Gunta Šnipke //, 2015 [LV]
Review of ... a child came... // Liepāja City Council, 2015 [LV]
Poems // Online magazine Satori, 2014 [LV]
About the presentation of …un jūra/...and the sea // Liepāja City Council, 2008 [LV]
Interview with Gunta Šnipke // Kurzemes Vārds [LV]
Ingmāra Balode, Paceļot bez norādēm. Piestāt, review of Roads // Online magazine Punctum, 2018 [LV]
Līga Sudare, Dažas godīgas atzīšanās, review of Roads // UbiSunt, University of Latvia, 2018 [LV]
2019, shortlisted for the Annual Latvian Literature Award Best Poetry for Roads
2018, Poetry Days Prize for Roads
2018, Silver-Ink pot Award from the International Writers' and Translators' House and City Council of Ventspils for Roads
2013, Totaldobže Poetry Slam in Liepāja Prize
똑똑똑! 집 지으러 왔어요
똑똑똑! 집 지으러 왔어요 (Ineses māja)
: 똑똑똑! 집 지으러 왔어요Title*
: Ineses mājaAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator