Monta Kroma (1919-1994) is one of the most influential Latvian poets of the 20th century. Her early literary work was set within the Socialist Realism aesthetics, however, during the 1960s Kroma changed her stylistics becoming quite a radical poetess and a brilliant modernist, whose poetics are different from the mainstream in both subject and form. Main topics of her poetry are female emotionality and urban life.
Trotuārs [Sidewalk]. Riga: Neputns, 2019.
Jānis. Riga: Sol Vita, 2001.
Esmu [I Am]. Riga: 1989.
Citi veidi [Other Ways]. Riga: Liesma, 1988.
Monta. Riga: Liesma, 1985.
Муравей в муравейнике [Ant in the Anthill]. Riga: Liesma, 1984.
Stāvā jūrā [In the Steep Sea]. Riga: Liesma, 1982.
Refrēni [Refrains]. Riga: Liesma, 1979.
Skaņas nospiedums [Sound Imprint]. Riga: Liesma, 1975.
Губы. Ты. Губы. Я. [Lips. You. Lips. Me.]. Riga: Liesma, 1973.
Lūpas. Tu. Lūpas. Es. [Lips. You. Lips. Me.]. Riga: Liesma, 1970.
Tuvplānā [Close-up]. Riga: Liesma, 1966.
Глаза в полнеба [Half-eye Sky]. Moscow: Советский писатель, 1964.
Tālo apvāršņu zemē [In the Land of Distant Horizons]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1959.
Neskarto zemju plašumos [In the Expanse of Wilderness]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1956.
Tev, gvard! [For You, Guard!]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1950.
Svinīgais solījums [Solemn Promise]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1947.
Books to fall for
Best translated poetry 2023 (vote) // 15min, November, 2023 [LT]
Monika Bertašiūtė-Čiužienė. The field nurse who modernized Latvian poetry: the story of Monta Kroma // 15min, March 2023 [LT]
Poems from Lips. You. Lips. Me // Asymptotejournal, 2023 [TW]
Poems by Monta Kroma // Internet magazine, 2019 [LV]
About Monta Kroma. Re. // Internet magazine, 2019 [LV]
Jūlija Dibovska, conversation about Monta Kroma with Kārlis Vērdiņš //, 2019 [LV]
Aivars Eipurs about Monta Kroma //, 2019 [LV]
About Sidewalk // Neputns webpage, 2019 [LV]
About "Monta. Tu. Monta. Es." festival //, 2019 [LV]
Pauls Bankovskis, Kam no Montas Kromas bail, about "Monta. Tu. Monta. Es." festival // Internet magazine, 2019 [LV]
Poem of Monta Kroma // Internet magazine, 2012 [LV]
Elvīra Bloma, Citas Montas Kromas dzejas versijas, review of Monta Kroma. Re. // Internet magazine, 2019 [LV]
1985, the Rainis Award for artistic and philosophical depiction of human life and urban setting
1984, the Ojārs Vācietis Award for artistic and bright poetry
1980, the International Poetry Days Festival Award for Refrains
Lūpos. Tu. Lūpos. Aš.
Lūpos. Tu. Lūpos. Aš. (Lūpas. Tu. Lūpas. Es)
: Lūpos. Tu. Lūpos. Aš.Title*
: Lūpas. Tu. Lūpas. EsAuthors
:Translated by
:Bazilisko ambasada
:the author
:Poetry of Monta Kroma