Eva Mārtuža is a poet, project manager and literary editor at Lauku Avīze publishing company, and an author of essays, stories and articles. During her MA studies at the Theology Department of the University of Latvia, she researched Latvian religion an world view from a scientific perspective. Eva Mārtuža's novel Pētera zvērests/Peter's Oath (published by Lauku Avīze) has been published by the Lithuanian Writers' Union Publishers as Petro priesaika, translated by Jurgis Algimantas Banevičius. Mārtuža's Peter's Oath was first published in 2008 and is considered to be the first Latvian work of crypto fiction. Revised by the author, the second edition came out in 2016. Mārtuža is the author of several novels and collections of poems.
Langobardi [Langobards]. Riga: Latvijas Mediji, 2017.
Nepiesavināma [Inalienable]. Riga: IDE Rozītes, 2015.
Bize vētras acī [A Braid in Wind's Eye]. Riga: Lauku Avīze, 2014.
Negudrā [Unwise]. Riga: Poligrāfijas infocentrs, 2005.
Starp slāpēm un starp kausu [Between Thurst and the Cup]. Riga: Alberts XII, 2001.
Izravētā sirds [Weeded Heart]. Riga: Alberts XII, 1999.
Neatsaki vīrietim [Never say no to a Man]. Self published, 1996.
Essays, biographies, miscellaneous
Dvēseles pasts [Soul's Mail]. Riga: Poligrāfijas infocentrs, 2006.
Kā iekarot, mīlēt, paturēt vīrieti? [How to Conquer, Love and Keep your Man] (under pseudonym Digna Eira). Riga: Gulbis, 2001.
Es tumsai pieglaužos [I Snuggle into Darkness]. Riga: Poligrāfijas infocentrs, 2005.
Sniegs apsedz vaļēju brūci [Snow Covers an opne Wound]. Riga: Self published, 1996.
No mana kodiena nemirst [My Bite won't Kill]. Riga: Preses nams, 1993.
Rakstītāja [The Writer]. Riga: Liesma, 1987. (publication of Broņislava Mārtuževa poems)
Balta puķe ezerā [White Flower in a Lake]. Riga: Liesma, 1981. (publication of Broņislava Mārtuževa poems)
Books to fall for
About Inalienable // LA.lv, 2015 [LV]
About Inalienable // Online magazine Satori, 2015 [LV]
Petro priesaika
Petro priesaika (Pētera zvērests)
: Petro priesaikaTitle*
: Pētera zvērestsAuthors
:Translated by
:Eva Mārtuža
:Anna Katrīna learns that her uncle has died in mysterious circumstances, and starts to look for answers to questions that the old man has left unaswered.
Terra Mariana
Terra Mariana (Dzejas antoloģija)
: Terra MarianaTitle*
: Dzejas antoloģijaAuthors
: , , , , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
:Poetry anthology of Latvian authors in Georgian.